Beginn des Seitenbereichs: Unternavigation:

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Beginn des Seitenbereichs: Zusatzinformationen:


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Programme Outline

Beginn des Seitenbereichs: Inhalt:

1. Summer school 1 (August)

The selected students start the programme with a summer school where they meet their instructors and students from the other CIRCLE generations. The summer schools are organized each year in one of the consortium partner countries: Austria, Norway, Sweden or the Netherlands.

2. Host university 1

The selected students spend their first year at their host university 1 where they have to obtain 60 ECTS.

3. Summer school 2 (August)

The students have now completed their first year of studies. This summer school is intended to broaden their knowledge of circular economy.

4. Host university 2 (with the option of an additional mobility)

The selected students spend their second year at their host university 2 where they have to obtain either 30 or 60 ECTS. This depends on whether or not they complete an additional mobility at one of the associated partners in this time. More information on this can be found in the section on mobility.

5. Summer school 3 (August)

During this summer school, the students who have just graduated receive their diplomas.

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