Beginn des Seitenbereichs: Unternavigation:

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Beginn des Seitenbereichs: Zusatzinformationen:

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Ca' Foscari University of Venice

Beginn des Seitenbereichs: Inhalt:

Global Change and Sustainability

The track Global Change and Sustainabilityis designed to give to students a comprehensive view about the most relevant issues concerning environmental processes, the main methodologies for monitoring the quality of the environment and relevant remediation technologies.

In particular, courses will be focused on:

  • acquiring knowledge on GIS; a tool for evaluating, study, analyzing and representing every kind of geographic/spatial phenomena, including the archeological one;
  • basic concepts of environmental economics including elements of microeconomics and the policy instruments to address environmental issues;
  • main chemical processes occurring in the atmosphere and their implications for the urban air quality, human health and climate of the planet;
  • understanding the climatic conditions of the past at different spatial and temporal scales;
  • analysis of energy systems and technologies, with particular focus on the impact of energy extraction, conversion and use on the emission of green-house gases.

For details see our course guide.

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