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CIRCLE 3 student Next Gen Assembly member

Pedro Ferreira was selected as one of the Next Gen Assembly members.

The CIRCLE 3 student, Pedro Ferreira, was selected as one of the Next Gen Assembly members by the Global Fashion Agenda and the Center for Sustainable Fashion, from London College of Fashion.

The program granted a few changemakers and trailblazers from all around the world the possibility to join the Global Fashion Summit, in Copenhagen, considered by many as the most influential event in sustainable fashion in the world.

During the event, Pedro could speak to many police makers, industry representatives, academics, and innovators about the climate crisis and how fashion contributes to it. The Next Gen Assembly was also featured in important media vehicles like Forbes, Vogue Business, and Texdata International.

Pedro has been working with the Slow Fashion Movement for two years, a global NGO that educates consumers about having a more sustainable and conscious wardrobe. More recently, he concluded his master’s thesis at NTNU, Norway, in which he evaluated the environmental impacts of leather and leather-like materials applied to footwear.

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