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CIRCLE Summer School 2023

Preparations have kicked off

The CIRCLE Summer School 2023 will take place from 6 to 11 August in Selbu, Norway, near the CIRCLE Consortium's European partner university, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, which is hosting this year's Summer School. During the Summer School, over 30 students from the CIRCLE generations 3 and 4 and lecturers of the Master's programme will come together from all over the world.

For the first-year students, a productive and interactive summer school will be organised as part of the curriculum. Our students will deepen their knowledge in the field of Circular Economy thanks to the inspiring lectures of our lecturers from the partner universities participating in the Erasmus Mundus International Master's Programme on Circular Economy (CIRCLE). Our second-year students will have the opportunity to present their research in a Master's Thesis Dialogue moderated by our lecturers, experts in the respective fields. The Summer School will conclude with a special graduation ceremony for our CIRCLE generation 3 students. 


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