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The second CIRCLE generation graduates!!

Congratulations to our graduates of the CIRCLE 2 generation!

As this year's CIRCLE Summer School comes to a close, we celebrate the graduation of our CIRCLE 2 students and extend our heartfelt congratulations to them on this special achievement. We as the CIRCLE consortium are very proud to have prepared the next CIRCLE generation for the labour market with a comprehensive knowledge of Circular Economy.

During the CIRCLE Summer School, our graduates presented their research projects to the programme's faculty and students in a Master thesis dialogue, providing insight into the different focus areas of Circular Economy.

Our third and fourth generation students also demonstrated their academic background in various assignment during the Summer School. During the course, students of the third generation discussed relevant criteria and directions for entrepreneurship by using examples of existing and new innovations. The course trained them in entrepreneurship within the Circular Economy paradigm and how to orient innovations for a circular transition. 

The CIRCLE 4 students' task was to prepare an advice for the Kameryck site on how it could transform its operations towards Circular Economy. This advice was presented to the entire CIRCLE team at the end of the Summer School.

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