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CIRCLE student and her team win Inovathon Sweden 2022

The competition was held by Scania Sweden at the beginning of December 2022 in Södertälje.

During the first week of December 2022 Erum Hassan and Natalia Agudelo, ​two of the CIRCLE 3 students, attended the Regional final of "Inovathon" a Circular logistics competition held by Scania. Erum and Natalia joined the competition in early October and went through different phases, from an initial test to working online with different students from several universities. 

The regional final was held in Södertälje, where part of the manufacturing and logistics facilities of Scania Sweden are located. The two students were in different teams since the beginning of the competition and had a week full of learning activities, workshops, and working sessions with their teams. 

After three days full of activities, the students had the opportunity to show their innovative idea at the Scania logistics hall. The ideas had to fulfill the goal to rethink and redesign a global supply chain in a circular and sustainable way. 

Natalia and her mates from part of the dark green team and Erum and her mates from the blue team pitched their idea in front of the jury on Friday afternoon. The dark green team got first place in the competition and Natalia and the team members will go to Brazil in early 2023 to meet the other teams from the Netherlands and Brazil and have an unforgettable experience visiting Scania headquarters. 

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