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Student Conference 2024 "Diversity: Linguistic, cultural and literary perspectives"

On April 25, 2024, the consortium of the European Joint Master's Programme in English and American Studies held its 4th student and alumni conference at the University of Bamberg.

The fourth student and alumni conference of the European Joint Master's Programme in English and American Studies "Spanning Regions and Disciplines" was the remarkable end of a successful online lecture series offered during the current academic year. The conference offered over 20 students and alumni the opportunity to present their work in the form of a presentation or poster session. 

Presentations covered a range of diverse and timely topics, bridging disciplines (literature, linguistics and cultural studies). The one-day conference addressed, for instance, migration and movement in literature, ecolinguistics, inclusivity and exclusivity, language as a heritage to be safeguarded, graphic novels, disability vs. ableism, sound studies in literature, AI, age studies, ethnicities and identity. Once again, the conference showed the power a language can have.

About 60 to 80 students participated in the online lecture series, which consisted of four online lectures given by renowned academics from the partner universities and culminated in this student conference. The best papers from the conference will be published, together with a contribution from the two key note speakers of this year's student conference.    

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