Finances & Fees
Beginn des Seitenbereichs: Inhalt:
Mandatory Mobility
Students who complete the mandatory mobility semesters (second semester and third semester in the Master’s progamme = specialisation track and integration module) are not charged any further tuition fees at the mobility university, provided they pay their fees at their entrance university.
Entrance University
Enrolment, participation or tuition fees are charged by the entrance university.
Local fees (e.g. student union fees, administrative fees etc.) and health insurance contributions may vary per institution and must also be paid during the mobility period. They are announced in advance.
Graz | Tuition:
During their mobility period, students are exempt from paying tuition fees at the University of Graz. Student Union (incl. insurance on campus): |
Leipzig | Tuition: |
Hiroshima | Tuition: Application fee: Admission fee: National Health Insurance (NHI) premium: |
Life at your mobility university
Graz | Living costs | Study in Austria |
Leipzig | Costs of education and living - DAAD |
Hiroshima | Campus Life | Hiroshima University ( |
Financial support
Your entrance or host university may offer financial support through scholarship programmes for your mandatory mobility.
Your respective contact person will inform you at the time of admission to the programme about available scholarships. However, the consortium does not guarantee any financial support for this programme.
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