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How to apply

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Applying for a Master's programme involves a good deal of time-consuming paperwork. To help you decide whether this programme is right for you, you might like to answer the following questions:

  • Why have you chosen this programme?
  • Why are you a good candidate for this programme?
  • How will this programme further your future career?


You need to choose either Graz or Ljubljana as your entrance university! The two universities have different admission procedures which are explained below. All documents must be submitted to the chosen entrance university. Incomplete applications can not be considered.

Please also note that the application and admission process is a two-step procedure. Selected applicants may be requested to provide additional documents and/or complete an online application before admission to the chosen university.

Applying to the University of Graz
You need to complete this application form and submit the signed form together with the following documents by email to jointdegrees(at)
  • Signed motivation letter (max. 2 pages)
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Copy of your BA certificate or equivalent degree (with English translation, if not in German or Slovene)
  • Letter of recommendation (from a lecturer on the completed study programme)
  • Transcript of records or Diploma Supplement
  • Copy of your passport (of ID page with photograph) or, if you are EU citizen, of your identity card
  • Certificate of German language proficiency (C1) (not older than 2 years)*

*Please check the list of certificates that are accepted by the University of Graz here.

Application Deadline at the University of Graz:
The call 2024 for the University of Graz as entrance university runs
from March 1, 2024 to June 30, 2024.

Applying to the University of Ljubljana

Applicants need to follow the procedure of the Call for Enrolment. Information on the Call for Enrolment for the academic year 2024/25 is available at: Application periods 2024/2025 (

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University of Graz
Office of International Relations

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