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You can be admitted to this Master's Programme,

at the University of Graz if you have completed a BA or equivalent programme in Transcultural Communication comprising at least 180 ECTS credits, or if you have completed a BA or equivalent programme in German and/or Slovene Studies and have proficiency in English (C1).

at the University of Ljubljana if you have completed (1) a BA in Interlingual Communication (Slovene-English-German) at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts or a BA at another Slovene university; (2) passed the entrance exam in Slovene, English and German; depending on the competences acquired in the undergraduate programme and the exam results, up to 60 ECTS credits may be awarded.

Note: Admission to the Master’s Programme does not guarantee admission to the chosen entrance university, where additional local criteria may be operative.

Language Requirements at the University of Graz

If your first language is not German or if you have not completed a degree in German, you must provide proof that your level of German is at least C1 according to the CEFR. The German language knowledge can be provided by the following certificates:

  • an Austrian secondary school leaving certificate (Matura) or
  • an equal secondary school leaving certificate from abroad with German as language of instruction on Matura Level (Austrian or German school abroad) or
  • an abroad completed study programme completely taught in German or
  • Ergänzungsprüfung Deutsch (EPD) at Vorstudienlehrgang der Grazer Universitäten und Hochschulen (prerequisite for participating in the EPD is an admission at the University) or at another Austrian Vorstudienlehrgang or
  • ÖSD C1 (Österreichisches Sprachdiplom Deutsch) or
  • Goethe-Zertifikat C1 or
  • DSH2 (Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang) or
  • DSD2 (Deutsche Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz)

The certificates (5.-8.) must not be older than 2 years at the time of the application.

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University of Graz
Office of International Relations

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