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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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Q: What is the normal length of the Joint Master's Programme?
A: The normal length is four semesters, which includes the obligatory semester abroad.

Q: What is the workload per semester?
A: The average workload per semester is 30 ECTS credits.

Q: What is the added value of a Joint Programme?
A: Graduates of the Joint programme receive a joint diploma signed by the Rector of the University of Ljubljana and the Director of Studies of the University of Graz and the local certificate of graduation of the University of Graz as well as a detailed Diploma Supplement. For details see section Degree & Career Prospects.

Q: How many students are admitted each year?
A: The number of students that can be admitted per university each year is equivalent with the number of mobility places agreed in the mobility programme by the two partner universities.

Q: When does the programme start?
A: The programme generally starts in the winter semester. In some cases it may be possible to start in summer semester. For information, please consult the academic coordinator at your entrance university.

Q: What are the requirements for admission to the programme?
A: You can be admitted to this Master's Programme,
at the University of Graz if you have completed a BA or equivalent programme in Transcultural Communication comprising at least 180 ECTS credits, or if you have completed a BA or equivalent programme in German and/or Slovene Studies and have proficiency in English (C1).
at the University of Ljubljana if you have completed (1) a BA in Interlingual Communication (Slovene-English-German) at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts or a BA at another Slovene university; (2) passed the entrance exam assessing in Slovene, English and German; depending on the competences acquired in the undergraduate programme and the exam results, up to 60 ECTS credits may be awarded.

Tuition Fees

Q: Do I have to pay tuition fees?
A: Please consult the section Finances.

Q: Do I have to pay tuition fees at the partner university during my stay abroad?
A: No. You only have to pay the regular tuition fees at your entrance university.


Q: When will the application process open?
A: Applications can be submitted from April or May.

Q: When is the deadline for applications?
A: Graz and Ljubljana have different deadlines for submission of the applications. For details got to How to apply.

Q: Do I have to submit all required documents at time of application?
A: All supporting documents have to be submitted with the application form. At the University of Graz, the BA certificate and the German language certificate can be provided after the application deadline. If you do not yet have the language certificate you need to submit proof that you have registered for the language test.

Q: I have not yet finished my BA. Can I apply?
A: You can apply, but will need to state in your application when you expect to have completed your degree. You need to have finished your degree by the time you register at your entrance university for the Joint Master.

Q: I am already enrolled in a Master's Programme at one of the participating universities. Can I apply?
A: Yes. But before you do, you should consult the academic coordinator.

Q: Do I need certified translation of my degree certificate and the transcript of records?
A: You do not need certified translations for the (online) application. However, the chosen entrance university may require you to submit certified translations (please check the entrance university's rules and regulations).

Q: I have a bachelor's degree from one of the partner institutions. For the Joint Master's Programme I would like to choose the other partner university as my entrance university. Is this possible?
A: Yes, it is.

Q: Is it sufficient if I submit the transcript of records which I have downloaded from the university's website?
A: Yes, downloaded transcripts are accepted.

Q: Can I apply although I'm working full-time?
A: Yes, but remember that the programme includes an obligatory semester abroad.

Q: Is there a personal interview with the applicants?
A: No. The selection committee selects the students on the basis of the criteria that are outlined above.

Q: When will the selection results be announced?
A: Applicants will be informed in good time before the admission application deadline.

Mobility Semester

Q: I want to choose one of the two partner universities as my entrance university, but spend the mobility semester at a university that is not one of the partners. Can I be awarded the Degree Certificate?
A: The Degree Certificate is only awarded if at least 30 ECTS credits have been earned at the partner university. You can of course spend another mobility semester at a university that is not part of the consortium.

Q: Is it possible to spend two semesters abroad?
A: Yes. The curriculum states that you can earn a maximum of 60 ECTS credits (2 semesters) at universities abroad.

Financial Support

Q: Do the universities offer any kind of financial support? Can I apply for a scholarship?
A: Please go to Finances.

Q: Will I receive financial support for the mobility semester?
A: The mobility semester is normally organised through the Erasmus+ programme.

Professional Future

Well qualified translators and intercultural communication experts are in high demand. Graduates are well placed for careers in international institutions and organisations, multinational enterprises as well as in audiovisual and literary translation. Graduates will also be able to complete further study at doctoral level.

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University of Graz
Office of International Relations

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