Academic Degree & Career Prospects

Beginn des Seitenbereichs: Inhalt:


Students completing the Joint Master’s Programme in Southeast European Studies will have the following degree:

Austria:  Master of Arts (MA)

Serbia:   master politikolog (mast. politik.) (Master of Arts in Political Science)


Students who signed up for the double degree between the University of Graz and the University of Ljubljana will be awarded the following double degree:

Austria:       Master of Arts (MA)

Slovenia:      magister (male grammatical form) or magistrica (female grammatical form) mednarodnih odnosov (mag. medn. odn.)

For more information on the double degree, follow this link.


Career prospects

Graduates of the MA.SEES qualify for the following professional fields:

  • Media
  • National, regional and local governmental, and non-governmental organisations
  • International organisations
  • Higher education
  • Journalism
  • Business sector
  • Research
  • Consultancy
  • Academia
  • Librarianship and related fields

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